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Riquezas Del Campo is a immigrant-led, worker-owned farm co-op in Hatfield, MA. We use environmentally friendly methods, and are working towards becoming organically certified. Riquezas is the first cooperative incubated by the Pioneer Valley Workers Center, in line with PVWC's mission to build institutions that directly represent the interests of working people. Riquezas del Campo was founded in May 2019 by a group of PVWC members with decades of experience working as farmers throughout Central America and New England.  


We currently have 4 worker-owners (socios). They are responsible for all aspects of the farm's work and include a field manager, sales manager, farmers market manager, treasurer and secretary. They make all the major decisions about what crops to grow, a sales plan, and how to sustainably steward the land. The farm sells wholesale to River Valley Co-op, mobile markets in Springfield and Northampton that bring fresh produce into low-income neighborhoods, and local mutual aid food distribution programs. We also sell to individual consumers at farmers markets where we feature traditional ingredients from a variety of cultures like cilantro, tomatillos, collard greens and a wide variety of peppers. We accept SNAP/HIP as part of our mission to make healthy food accessible to all. 

Jose placing the remay cloth
Gerardo planting lettuce in the tunnel
Zucchini ready for market
Lexi hauling scallions
Marguerite and Mary filling the cooler
Zucchini in the wash station
Harvesting lettuce in the tunnel
Tess taking inventory
Maya at the West Springfield All Farmers market
Charlie, Lexi and Rae at the All Farmers Market
Swiss Chard
Bill and Jose drilling a hole to place a post
Our handwashing station, where you can fill your waterbottle
Lexi washing crates
Audi, a worker owner
Zephyr squash
Mary and Marguerite with lettuce
Tunnels and the bean field
Lettuce and our crates
Lexi and Lilly
Rae placing the hoops for remay cloth
Gerardo building the tunnels
Seedlings ready for transplant
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Lettuce seedlings in the tunnels
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